Sunday, May 24, 2009

Every Failure Is An Opportunity In Disguise

by: Richard Saldan

As much as we would all love to live an easy life with endless resources and finances, most people might admit that life would be pretty monotonous if there were no obstacles or failures. Evidence of this might be seen by watching the celebrity gossip television programs, where the rich and famous of Hollywood seem to bounce from one crisis to another, seemingly bored of living the good life. How many times have you watch such stories in the news, and thought what you would do to benefit humanity if you could have their vast resources of wealth, power and influence. How many times have you been puzzled when trying to understand their mindset?

Success begotten without any hard labor or without crossing any insurmountable barrier is hardly remembered even by the most successful people. To compare it with something which we experience every day, we would not value sunlight if it was not snatched by darkness of the night. While no one in this world is spared from ill fortunes and his share of bad luck, disappointments and failures, what separates men from mouse is the individual ability to deal with failures. While some succumb to their past rejections and present failures, some rise above it and strive harder to perfect their processes to achieve success. The second group always visualizes the entire spectrum of life – with its due quota of ups and downs and sees every failure as another opportunity thrown at them which has the potential of future success. This relentless pursuit of happiness and success despite all the hurdles which might come in the way, eventually take these people high on the ladder of accomplishment. The people who are tormented at the sheer thought of failure, past or present, are usually left behind.

What is it that makes successful people look beyond their set backs and re-set their goals with renewed enthusiasm and vigor? Here are some of the ways by which people can achieve this skill:

• Treat the past as over and future as illusive. This means that you have to act for the present moment, which is all that you have in front of you. If you let your past failures come in your way of thinking positively for the future, you would be perennially haunted by what obstacles may occur in future. The key is to treat any set-back as an opportunity to improve the way you do things. Once you start believing in what the present is offering you, you tend to be more focused on making the most of your opportunities.

• Believe in yourself. We all know about the rejection which Graham Bell faced from the scientific community when he invented a new way in which we could communicate. If Bell had given up on his belief and resigned to his failures, we would have perhaps never reached this far as we have today in the field of communication. Failures, negative criticism, set backs are all intrinsic part of success. If you believe in your ideas and can firmly stand by it, you can look at every failure on its face and see the sun that shines behind the barrier.

The talent or ability to take every failure in the stride is an important asset in any organization. It is really the leader’s responsibility to coach his employees and team members the importance of remaining steadfast in their approach to achieve respective career and personal goals. Set backs would come and go and would continue to do so, so long as you are involved in some kind of activity in life. There is a saying that when it rains, it pours. Nothing can be truer than this saying, when it comes to being flooded with set backs. Where we go wrong is that we fail to notice the silver lining around the cloud.

Motivational Magic is a mindset that gives special attention to building and reinforcing this type of thinking. People are given the tools to develop a more positive outlook towards life and to go beyond failures with a smile and head held high. The whole idea is to derive new enthusiasm from our adversities. Reaching deep within to tap into an inner power that you never worked with ever before. Reverse the negativity, and let us not turn the whole adversity experience into a vicious cycle where we perform sub-optimally in the face of adversities to invite more failure.

If you have tried hard, try harder this time pushing down all the adversities which hinder you and success could be round the corner. Overcoming the adversities of life can reward you with an exhilerating feeling of strength and accomplishment. While most people run from adversities, the true leader embraces adversity and uses it as a slingshot to propel themselves forward. Mount Rushmore was inspired by such leaders, incredible men who accomplished amazing feats by harnessing the power of adversity.

Allow your adversities to unlock your greatest opportunities for personal achievement and extraordinary accomplishments!

Article Source:

About the Author :

Richard Saldan is a motivational speaker and master magician. His programs will rivet your audience with his stunning magic and proven strategies. People who have enrolled in Richard Saldan’s seminars and courses give consistently high ratings because he is exceptionally dedicated, committed, enthusiastic, energetic and knowledgeable in his various fields. His outgoing and playful personality energizes the class and stimulates higher levels of participation. Participants know that he truly cares about their growth and success, helping them to get from where they are now to where they want to be. For extraordinary results, visit: Motivational Speaker, Illusionist and Magician -

Looking For New Career Help?

by: James Copper

Unfortunately, our faltering economy has caused more than a few people to have to reconsider their careers. People who have spent their entire working career doing the same job are seeing those jobs disappearing, or the hours are being chopped considerably. As a result, more people are going back to college or training to become something completely different. If you have recently lost your job, or you have seen your hours dwindling, you should know that there are a lot of resources to help you along the path to a better career. Also, these resources are still available to you if your career change was voluntary. Its true that there are lots of people out there who simply get burned out in their chosen career, and decide that they need a change.
For one, the internet has become a great place to help you find the best career for you. It should come as no surprise, because the internet has become a large part of every aspect in our lives. So of course it can be a place where you can find your perfect career, everything about that career, and you may even be able to get training for that career online.

Otherwise, the internet can direct you to schools and training programs where you can learn about the new career, and be well on your way to starting a new phase in your life.

For example, you may have spent the last 20 years working at a plant that manufactures automobiles. Everything is great until the economy heads into a downturn. Pretty soon, the company is losing money, and people are beginning to lose their jobs or at least be laid off. If you have lost your job and you do not have other training, then you should know how difficult it is to get a good job when you do not have the required training.

One new career helpful tip is simply to sit down and really think about what you would like to do. If you are starting a new career, there could not be a better time to go after the job you really want. If you have trouble choosing, just make a list of the pros and cons of each possible career. If you do not have a clear idea of what you would like to do, then you could either just make a list of your strongest points, and try to find a job that will match them, or you could fill out an online survey that will match you with a new career that you will love. If the new job requires technical training or expensive college courses, then you can look into financial aid in order to take some of the financial burden off of choosing a new career.

So if you feel like you are in new career limbo, then rest assured that you are not alone, and that there is lots of new career help to make sure you find the best job and that you find a job that you can keep.

Article Source:

About the Author : James Copper is a writer for

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Planning Your Work At Home Business


There are some special qualities that one must have to work from home and have a successful home-based business. You must be able to master self-control. There is no boss there to look over your shoulder and distractions everywhere. You need to have some self-discipline about those activities and actions you have to learn not to do. You don't want to be eating all day and night because the refrigerator is right there. Spending all afternoon watching television wouldn't be good if you expected to have the evening off. When that comes is in the afternoon and the bed looks mighty inviting, try to resist the nap temptation. It isn't as easy as one thinks to stay focused and productive.

Working from home means you still have to work when you don't want to. The boring, frustrating and scary work has to be done too. This skill is a must and essential for establishing and developing full self-control. You have to learn to stop behaviors that interfere with productive work. There is going to come the time when you will have to choose work instead of fun, boring tasks over exciting ones and/or the frightening business calls verses the easy ones. There will be plenty of times that the bed will look more and more inviting. This is not because you are tired, it is because you don't want to do something.

When thinking of work at home many people think of a peaceful place that is free from all the interruptions of corporate jobs. Any one who has ever worked at home will tell just how distracting it really is. Some days many people find it almost impossible to get anything done. The phone rings always, neighbors drop by, laundry needs to be done, the dog has to go out, the kids are screaming, there is always something to drag your attention away from the work you have to do. If you want to be successful as a work at home person you must master the art of working in small increments. You will also have to put on blinders and plant yourself in your chair and work.

You have to be one of those people who like isolation to be able to work at home. If you are one of those people who get energy by being alone then you can achieve productive work by being at home. You will also probably like the respite from constant people around you. If you are one of those people who loves the daily socialization work brings, you find loneliness is not your cup of tea. To be productive and not feel so lonely get some online friends to chat with and leave the house frequently to stay focused. Only you can decide if working at home is lonely or peaceful to you.

The challenge of working at home takes courage and self-confidence. You have to have the courage to face all the rejection, unsteady income, no more planned routines and no more water cooler babble. You are going to have to learn new things and stay strong. You will need self-confidence to help you to hold your head up high with pride. You will look and tell people when they ask what you do with out hesitation.

To your Success

Article Source:

About the Author

Obinna Heche. Los Angeles - California Delivering the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home successfully

Your Ad Here

Today Anyone Can Become An Actor

by: David Marc Fishman

Acting has found its origins in the religious rituals of the primitive times and the persons first to perform were the religious leaders of the tribes. The development of theater is largely attributed to the Greeks.

Start you child out early with acting, giving them an early peak while they are young will increase the odds of them catching on to it and becoming immersed in the art, this will increase the chances of success. Many people think that acting is all about glamour and living the good life. Everywhere you look today you see actors from TV, radio, theatre and even in street performances you see them. Yet acting is not easy in fact, like playing music, it is almost impossible to master.

There are acting schools and lessons and training. Sheer determination and natural skill are prerequisites that a wannabe actor cannot be without. Acting is one of the most brutal and challenging careers to pursue, but also one of the most rewarding.

When an actor finally reaches their potential they can convey the emotions needed to produce the acting needed in his/her performance. To many people acting is an exciting and rewarding career. A good actor can become anything he or she wants to be. Becoming a successful actor is one of the most difficult things that anyone could want to do but it is also one of the most rewarding. The actor needs to concentrate and get inspired if they are going to emulate and believe they are the character they need to portray. The Main tool besides their body of an actor is their voice.

To define acting it is a person who can portray someone else either on the big screen or on stage. When actors play characters they can be fictional, or they can be people who are alive or a person who once lived. The goal of acting is what the character is going after.

The acting business is very similar to any other that provides a service. The problem is that a lot of actors will just sit at home waiting to be discovered. Actors are constantly subjected to auditions as part of any job interview. This is where your breakdown of the work performed and the associated prices can help you determine this. Multi talented actors are skilled in dancing, singing, improvisation, accents and mime.

If you think you are going to nail each part think again, just go out there and give it your all, this is best train of thought. Listen everyone would like to nail the audition, but let's be realistic you will receive more rejections in the beginning then call backs, but don't be discouraged keep at it.

By definition an agent is someone who finds work for an actor at a fee of about 10 to 15% of whatever he earns for that job. But an agent is much more than that in reality. Love 'em or hate 'em, agents are impossible to live without. It's vital that you put your thoughts to the side for a moment and simply listen and be present with what the casting agent.

Article Source:

About the Author
David Marc Fishman helps performers get discovered at for dancers. Show your talent singers and audition at Bornasuperstar.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Ins and Outs of Transferring a Domain Name

by: Sonia Day

The initial thought of transferring a domain name to another registrar can seem daunting. However, it only takes a few simple steps to gather the information you’ll need to go from one registrar to another.

select a new registrar, or “home” for your domain name. You can either use your web hosting company’s domain registrar or opt for a separate domain registrar. If you go with a domain registrar that doesn’t offer web hosting service, then the internet directory system (DNS) will be contacting them to locate your website when someone tries to access it. Many web hosts, however, now offer domain registrar services, so this may not be the lowest cost option. It may also be easier to have both your web host and domain name managed at the same location. If you’re still searching for a new registrar we recommend Bluehost, which offers a free domain name with your service. Now you’re ready for step number two.

obtain your authorization code from your current registrar. It’s required by your new registrar for the domain name transfer. Sometimes all it takes is navigating to the proper page. You may need to use the search function to locate its storage place, or even call the registrar to request it in rare cases.

ensure that the domain name is open to transfer. Sounds complicated, but changing the state of your domain name is usually managed from the same page you found your domain name. In worst cases you may need to use the search function or contact the registrar for help, but once this is done you’re allowed to begin the transfer.

begin and accept the domain transfer. Once you’ve located the domain management or transfer tool on your new registrar’s site, you’ll be asked to enter the name of the domain and the authorization code. Then you’ll be asked to check the email address of the domain name – which is most likely the one you used to sign up. If you no longer have access to that address getting this step accomplished may be a bit more complicated, but doable. Just contact the registrar to explain what happened. This may take time to resolve. If you still have access to that account, however, you will simply click a link to “agree” to the transfer or receive a code that’ll be entered later to initiate the transfer. In anywhere from a few days to a few hours, the actual transfer will be complete.

But wait, you’re not done yet! Once the transfer is finished, be sure to verify that everything works. There’ll be no downtime for your site if everything goes smoothly. If not, you might see up to 48 hours of connection problems for some users as their DNS servers are updated, but from our experience these cases are rare. If everything works, congratulations! You’ve successfully moved your domain name.

About The Author

Sonia Day is a writer for Best Web Hosts Online - news, hosting review, and resources for webmasters.

In Just 3 Steps Your Hobby Can Become an Online Money Making Opportunity

by: Jennifer Herndon

When I first started looking for ways to make online money, I was assured that all I had to do was find something I was passionate about. I thought about my hobbies and passions. But I couldn't envision turning any of them into an online money making opportunity.

But, being a diligent student, I did what I was told. Surprisingly, I found that if you're willing to invest the effort, it's easy to turn almost anything you're passionate about into an online money making opportunity.

Now if your passion is studying the mating habits of the Blue Ringed Octopus, you may be out of luck. But really, there's got to be SOMETHING you're into that a few thousand others are also into.

So, take 15 minutes and make a list of things that interest you. Then start with your favorite and let's take three steps to turn it into an online money making opportunity for you.

Your first step is to find a starving crowd. This is where you learn if you can really make money online with something you're passionate about. No reason to spin your wheels if there aren't a good number of people out there who are hungry for information about your niche.

To determine if there's a starving crowd, do three things. First, run a search using a couple of different free keyword tools to determine how many people are searching for information in your niche. Second, run a Google search and see how many people are using adwords to advertise in your niche. Finally, go to the bookstore and see how many magazines are available related to your hobby.

So let's assume there are others searching out information on your hobby. And people are paying to advertise in your niche. And people are buying magazines on the subject. Great, you're in business.

But, you can't stop there. If you want to really make money online, you have to take the second step and identify your specialty within your niche. Some call this "drilling down" into your niche.

For example, there are a lot of ways to make online money if your passion is house pets. But house pets is a huge market. Too huge to go after. You have to focus. Maybe you really like dogs. And you really really like doggy health and nutrition. And you believe in natural and organic solutions.

Great, you've gone from being an expert in house pets to being an expert in holistic and organic solutions for dog health and nutrition. This is a targeted market. Much easier to tackle than house pets in general. As you determine your specialty, you will of course want to return to step one and confirm that other people have interest in this area of house pets too.

The third step is the hardest. And, not surprisingly, it's the one that's crucial if you want to REALLY make money online. You must brand yourself as an expert in your specialty. You must create an online presence that causes people to trust you when you speak on your subject. If people trust you, they will like you. And, ultimately, they will buy from you. Again and again.

Many people have a real desire to start an online business. Most can't get past wondering what business is a fit for them. Others dive in head first without taking the proper steps to make sure they can succeed, and then quit in frustration. Following these three steps will insure that you get started, and get started right.

About The Author

Jennifer Herndon works at home with her kids. She is a home business consultant with over 11 years experience. Jennifer's passion is helping you create personal and financial freedom.

5 Ideas to Make Money With Your Blog

by: Luca Moretti

If you’ve ever dreamed of making money as a blogger, look no further. While it’s not rocket science to make money from a blog, it certainly doesn’t seem easy in the beginning, mostly due to all the misinformation out there. Keep these 5 simple points in mind if you want get started now making money with your blog.

1. Create a Big, Popular Blog

Creating a blog that is very big and popular in its niche is certainly the most rewarding way to make money as a blogger but it’s also the most difficult. Creating a big blog requires marketing, networking, and niche knowledge. It’s a good route to take if you have the skills and know-how it requires. Most big bloggers make money from direct advertising and a variety of other monetization options. Promotion becomes practically unnecessary once a big blog achieves a certain level of fame. However, creating a big blog is very time-consuming and it’s never certain that your efforts to build a blog will be fruitful.

2. Sell Advertising

If you build a blog in a profitable niche such as mortgage, real estate, or credit and then utilize SEO to achieve a good page rank, you can sell advertising spaces to webmasters and businesses. Webmasters and businesses are interested in buying text links from blogs with good rankings in order to improve their own site rankings. To get started in this biz, all you have to do is buy a domain with an existing page rank or build your own blog with sponsored posts. It is easy to find advertising buyers at webmaster forums like Digital Point and Warrior. Keep in mind that Google doesn't like websites selling do follow links. You should always use the no follow tag in all your advertising spaces to comply with Google Webmaster Guidelines.

3. Create a Niche Blog Made for Adsense or Affiliate Programs

In order to go this route, you simply have to set up a free blog with approximately 25-30 keyword-rich articles in your niche to start and then monetize it with affiliate programs or Google Adsense. Of course it’s also important to work on your blog’s SEO to improve its ranking so people searching for your target keyword terms can find it. You will only need to update the blog on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. However, profitable niches are usually saturated with blogs of this nature so in order to make a worthwhile profit you may have to make a dozen or so of these blogs across various niches.

4. Become a Contract Blogger

Rather than starting your own blog, you can also join a blog network and create content for these blogs. Some blog networks pay a base fee while others may only pay per page-view. There are also blog networks that pay a base fee in addition to revenue share. The payment methods vary from network to network. Being a contract blogger can provide you with a steady income but it is generally more lucrative in the long run to start your own blog and monetize it so you can keep all of the profits.

5. Submitting Your Blogs to “Get Paid to Blog” Websites

This method involves creating a number of niche blogs, adding content to them for a while to improve their ranking, and then submitting them to “get paid to blog” websites, which will pay you a flat fee per post. One of the perks of this method is that you aren’t even required to have large amounts of traffic coming to your blog posts to make money. However, you will receive no passive income and will have to put a lot of work into updating your blogs.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to make money as a blogger. Whether you decide to focus on just one of these methods or you want to test out each one, remember that success only comes when you invest a substantial amount of time and effort into your blogs. The bloggers who are most successful at making money also have to adapt to the changing internet landscape on a constant basis in order to continue monetizing their blogs effectively.

About The Author
Luca Moretti is the head copy writer at

How To Make Money Selling Information Products On Ebay

by: Sam Milner

Think of a brick and mortar store that’s being visited by millions – yes, MILLIONS – of people each and every day.

Now, think about selling a product in this store. Surely, your chances of succeeding and making tons of profit would be high, given the traffic that the store generates, right?

The problem is, where can you get products to sell?

Well, any successful businessman will tell you that the best products to sell are your own, and on eBay – the online version of that megastore that’s being visited by millions of potential customers per day – you can easily sell products which you can easily create. These products don’t require a fortune to create. If you have the right skills, you can even create them at zero cost.

Best of all, by selling these products – your own products – you get to keep ALL the profit.

Allow me to teach you one of the most lucrative earning opportunities on the internet. Allow me to teach you how to make money selling information products on eBay.

What are information products?

Basically, information products are digital works that convey particular pieces of information. An electronic book or eBook is an information product. A shorter version of an eBook, marketed as a special report, is a digital product. A video clip that aims to teach something is an information product. An audio file the attempts to accomplish the same thing is an information product.

Why should you learn how to make money selling information products on eBay? Consider the following benefits:

Information products are easy to create. If you have an important piece of information that people desire to know, you can put in writing and package your work as any of the product types mentioned above. Finding valuable information is easy. You can use conventional marketing techniques as well as online marketing tools like WordTracker to find topics that people want to know more about. You just need a modicum of writing skills to prepare an information product they will want to buy.

Information products require little financial investment. It is even possible to create an information product with zero budget if you’re already armed with the knowledge and skills necessary to see things through.

Information products can target a very hungry audience. Think of people suffering from panic attacks, women in their mid-30s who are getting desperate to have a baby, people in debt with foreclosures forthcoming, and others who are situated in similarly urgent situations. They will want the information you can offer, and they will want it fast. And they will be willing to pay for the same.

Information products are easy to deliver. Once a customer pays for the product, he can immediately download it and enjoy its content. No need for shipping procedures and costly shipping fees. No need for storage and expensive warehouse rates. No need to worry about lost shipments. Information products can be stored and downloaded digitally.

So, how to make money selling information products on eBay? Via the simple formula…

Low production cost + high demand = a lot of profit!

It must be noted, however, that eBay has prohibited the sale of digital products since late 2007. Any seller who will create an auction selling digital products will risk having his account suspended or even banned.

Does this mean that this piece about how to make money by selling information products on eBay is obsolete?


You can still sell information products on eBay and you can still make tons of profit from the same. You just have to store your information product on a CD or DVD which you will ship to the successful buyer. Just allow the buyer to download the product immediately after purchase as an option, and you will be able to go around the eBay prohibition.

Now that you know how to make money selling information products on eBay, all that is needed is for you to take action. Add some fantastic and guaranteed eBay techniques like the Wiggly Worm Method and you can ensure fantastic earnings as early as tomorrow!

About The Author

Collect Samantha Milner’s well known eBay e-book twin pack The Wiggly Worm with Master Resale Rights and find out how a nobody joined the elite of Internet Marketers:

"Become an eBay Expert Today!"

Head over to find out more to get your AMAZING Copy NOW!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tag , keyword for blogging

A alpha,ada,apa,aku,aja,anu,alu,asu,anjing,antar,ambil,artis,art,armada,amburadul,amplifier
C, cost,copet,co,co-pilot,caleg,cabut,cakep,cewek,cowok,celup,celana,cerutu,ciamik,craft
D.duit,do,doit,dodol,durian,dompet,darah,daerah, drawing,draw,digg
E. edan,emang,egp,ember,employee,embah,emphaty
F, found,fanta,founder,film,firma,fast,free

Share Photos,music,video,create blog and earn money

Meet new friends as you network

MyPage 5 :

meet new friends as you network, share photos,
create blogs, share videos, upload music,
make new friends,

revenue sharing.